How to Get Free Traffic for Website and Increase Blog Traffic?

Read How to Get Free Traffic for Website and Increase Blog Traffic?

Today, we are going to share some essential information about Top 6 Traffic Sources for free traffic to my website or Blog that can boost traffic and visibility of your Website over internet. What you understand by term “Traffics or Visitors”? You know those are persons visit your website in their search of products or needs by a target keyword, phrase or more to increase your online business from advertising from the website. These free web traffic sources list 2018 will help you to earn a good profits from a website. You should start blogging and target keywords for Google organic results and create a Facebook Page or Twitter account to get huge followers.
So read here six crucial traffic sources to send hundred of thousand of visitors to your website with these marketing techniques. This detail information about getting free traffic can help you grow your business and website visibility over search engines.

Top 6 Free Traffic Sources for Website or Blog 2018
Website Traffic Sources
1. Effective Online Article Marketing
Article Marketing is one of the really successful traffic sources to bring quality visitors to your website or blog by writing a short about 350 words articles, which should include website’s keywords / key phrases cleverly and after including such valuable information in your article, submit your article to great article directories sites like Hubpages, Go Articles, Buzzle etc.

2. Search Engines Traffic by Implementing SEO

If you want to visualize your site in search engines results then SEO is one of the biggest sources to get direct, organic and referral traffic for your website. There are major 2 types of Crucial SEO Techniques such as off-page and on page SEO and by implementing it rightly get top ranking for a competitive keyword to your blog or website. So build a high authority backlinks from similar sites and start getting a huge amount of traffic. This free web source is really the wonderful way of getting more trusted website or blog visitors by SEO.

3. PPC – Pay Per Click Advertising- Paid Search

PPC is another best source to get target traffic through running a PPC campaign by Google or other PPC sources and track site traffic with sources report. This is very effective and fast way to drive quality traffic to a site, however, this will be an expensive way to get visitors, and monitor the improvement in target site visitors in Google Analytics or other search engines’ analytics. So use Google Adwords to get huge traffic to your website in paid way.
4. Social Media Marketing
Social media sites are greatest source to drive unexpected amount of traffic to your site including Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious etc. You should create profile and leave link in these sites so someone finds your site via a link on a social network. The major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other such social media sites drive lots of traffic for any website or blog. So go ahead, and bookmark website’s pages in some of these sites to bring great amount of traffic and enjoy such temporary site for huge traffic and create website newsletter to contact site visitors. So browse high authority and high PR social media marketing site to boost sustainable sources of focused visitors.

Free Traffic Sources for Website or Blog 2018

5. Email Marketing- to Send Commercial Messages
Email marketing is an excellent source of sending a commercial message, usually to a crowd of people, by email to get repeat Visitors to your website. Here, you should run an email marketing campaign, where you will include links in that email that direct recipients back to your website to read your website content. For an example, blog email subscriptions can be extremely crucial to enlargement of a business blog as here because people who subscribe your blog will receive new blog published post in their inbox directly. So bring website’s newsletter that offer precious information that encourage them to sign up for your newsletter that can bring in a huge amount of focused traffic. There are great sources of focused traffic such as Press Releases, Banner Ads, RSS Feeds, and Off-line Advertising.

6. Forum Marketing

Forum marketing is one of the biggest traffic sources to join forums, and search Google for “discussions” to post valuable content to get huge traffic. In addition, answer people’s questions with good signature and an enticing link.
So post your link in famous forum sites to get backlinks for your website and increase traffic and better the visibility of your backlinks, use this Off-Page SEO technique to post website link in discussion groups, Message boards, discussion boards, discussion forums, bulletin boards and even more.
Finally, you can know the information about “Where do your Website Visitors come from?” use some of best different sources like Organic Search (SEO), Paid Search, Direct, Referral and Social. We hope you got the answer of question, how to increase website traffic for free? and don’t forget to leave your helpful comments below that will lead us to share more useful contents.


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    1. Yes,You are right, blog commenting is another best way to get desired traffic on business website.

  2. Thanks for the tips!
    Will definitely keep these in mind

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